Check out the list of the most popular series on Netflix this week. We update our list weekly here on our website.

1. Damn, first place for most popular series on Netflix
New Series on the List | Equipped with mysterious forces and a incredible sword; The young rebel Nimue collaborates with Arturo, a charming mercenary, on a task to help his people.
2. Dark Desire, a new series on Netflix on the list
New | Alma, a married woman, ventures out on a weekend getaway; that ignites energy, releases difficulties, but creates uncertainty in your inner circle.

The third season follows the events immediately after the apocalypse in Winden, stories of the past and future, and the introduction of another world, revealing the origin of the loop, and there are also additional stories set in 1888.

4. It's okay Not to be okay
An antisocial children's book writer and a dedicated psychiatric assistant open the least thought of path to emotional healing.

5. The kiss challenge
In a remote community, panic spreads at a similar rate to the mysterious kissing disease that affects teenagers.
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