5 Series Similar to A Nearly Normal Family to Watch on Netflix

Series | Netflix | Crime | Suspense

Series similar to a normal family to watch on Netflix

Find here TV shows similar to A Nearly Normal Family which are popular in Netflix at the moment.

5 Series Similar to A Nearly Normal Family

  1. The Innocent (2021) Netflix series: An accidental homicide leads him into a spiral of intrigue and murder. Just as he finds love and freedom, a call brings him back to the nightmare.
  2. Quicksand (2019) Netflix series: An exemplary student is the main suspect in the massacre. Little by little, darkness begins to crack the dazzling façade of a perfect world.
  3. The Chestnut Man (2021) Netflix series: They find a chestnut doll at the scene of a brutal murder. Based on this clue, two detectives go in search of the murderer linked to a missing girl.
  4. Slepping Dog (2023) Netflix Series: A former detective now living on the streets searches for the truth after a new death raises disturbing questions about a supposedly solved murder case.
  5. Muted (2023) Netflix series: Sergio has not said a single word since he murdered his parents six years ago. Now a psychiatrist seeks to discover what happened by carrying out a twisted investigation.


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