A Thousand Miles from Christmas Netflix (2021) Movie

Netflix has released A Thousand Kilometers of Christmas, Netflix movie starring Tamar Novas (The Mess You Leave) and Andrea Ros (Who Would You Take to a Desert Island?). A thousand kilometers from Christmas it premieres on the 24th of December, only on Netflix.

a thousand kilometers from christmas netflix

A Thousand Kilometers from Christmas is a comedy que cuenta la historia de Raúl, un treintañero al que todas las desgracias le han sucedido durante las fiestas. Por eso odia los villancicos, a los Reyes Magos y todo lo que huela a espíritu navideño. Cada año pasa las fiestas en alguna playa remota…, pero, esta vez, su jefe tiene otros planes: deberá ir a auditar una fábrica de turrones a Valverde, un pueblo que vive por y para la Navidad. 

And if that were not enough, he will have to share a house with Paula, the town teacher, who dreams of breaking the record for the largest living nativity scene in the world. Can this grinch from Madrid survive his worst nightmare?

A Thousand Miles from Christmas Netflix Trailer

1000 km from Christmas is directed by Álvaro Fernández Armero, script by Francisco Arnal, Daniel Monedero, and produced by Kiko Martínez. The movie on Netflix premieres on December 24. You can see the trailer below:

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