Robbers The Netflix Series (2021)

Robbers The Series, the last Netflix crime series, based on the Robbers film, stars Sami Bouajila, Tracy Gotoas and Samuel Jouy. The series premiered on the streaming platform on September 24, 2021.

Robbers The Netflix Series (2021).

The Netflix series follows a robbery specialist and a rookie, both of whom become embroiled in a turf war with drug dealers and have to work together to protect their loved ones.

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In addition to Bouajila and Gotoas, the cast of Atracadores La Serie actors also stars Nabiha Akkari, Sofia Lesaffre, Salim Kechiouche, Noureddine Farihi, Geert Van Rampelberg and Bakary Diombera.

Robbers The Netflix Series Trailer

The series in Netflix Season 1 arrived on September 24. Check out the trailer below and the series and movies that have arrived this month.

Watch the official synopsis of Atracadores La Serie

To protect his family from a powerful drug trafficker, the skilled Mehdi and his group of expert thieves are drawn into a violent turf war.

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