We're Dead Netflix (2022) Series

The season 1 from the horror series We Are Dead Netflix available January 28, follows a group of students trapped in a school who experience extreme situations as they search for a way to be rescued from a zombie invasion. 

We Are Dead Netflix 2022 01 min

The Netflix seriesix has a total of 12 chapters with Lee Jae-Kyu in the direction, Chun Sung-il in the script, and the supporting cast stars Park Ji-hoo, Yoon Chan-young, Jo Yi-hyun Lomon and Yoo In-soo.

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The walking dead take control in this gripping thriller series horror based on the popular webcomic of the same name that premieres on January 28.

We're Dead Netflix Trailer

Watch the trailer below and give it a look which has arrived this month on Netflix.

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