Watch Midas' Favorites: Suspense Miniseries Cast, Premiere and Trailer premiering globally on Netflix on November 13, 2020.

Midas's Favorites, miniseries on Netflix is directed by Mateo Gil and written together with Miguel Barros. Luis Tosar (Cell 211) and Marta Belmonte (Serve and Protect) lead the stellar Spanish cast. The series Netflix limited is inspired by a story by Jack London, but in today's Madrid.
Midas' Favorites, set in Madrid, is inspired by Jack London's short story “Midas's Favorites”. Víctor Genovés (Luis Tosar), an influential businessman, suffers a strange blackmail: if he does not agree to pay a large sum of money, The self-proclaimed Midas Favorites will kill a random person at a designated place and date, and add a new victim periodically until they achieve their goal. How many deaths will he be able to carry on his shoulders?
In addition to Luis Tosar and Marta Belmonte, Los Favoritos de Midas: Cast features Guillermo Toledo, Carlos Blanco, Marta Milans, Goize Blanco, Elena Irureta, Bea Segura, Jorge Andreu among others. Watch the trailer for the Midas Favorites: Netflix Premiere below!