Romance in Verona Netflix: Review and Summary of the Netflix Movie (2022)

2022 • Romantic Comedy

Romance in Verona Netflix: everything you need to know about the premiere of the Netflix movie.

Discover everything you need to know about the premiere of this story starring Kat Graham and Tom Hopper.

Kat Graham and Tom Hopper (The Umbrella Academy) discover love amidst pranks and hijinks in this romantic comedy, Romance in Verona Netflix (Love in the Villa), the new movie What you can see in what's new on Netflix September 2022 from the 1st, exclusively, on Netflix. Discover everything you need to know about the romantic comedy on the streaming service.

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The synopsis of Romance in Verona Netflix

Romance in Verona Netflix: What is the plot of the romantic comedy on Netflix? The synopsis, summary tells us: A woman (Kat Graham) goes on a trip to Verona after a breakup and discovers that, due to a mistake, she will have to share the house she rented with a cynical and very handsome man (Tom Hopper).

Romance in verona netflix cast
Photo: Netflix

The cast of Romance in Verona Netflix

Who's who in the Netflix movie Romance in Verona? Know the cast, actors of Love in the Villa. Starring by Kate Graham like Julie Hutton, Tom Hopper as Charlie and Laura Hopper, the cast is completed by Raymond Ablack as Brandon, Sean Amsing, Emilio Solfrizzi and Stefano Skalkotos.

Previews and Clips, Romance Videos in Verona

Romance in Verona | Official Trailer | Netflix

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Directed and written by Mark Steven Johnson is Netflix movie with Kat Graham, arrived with a release date of 1st September of 2022 on the official website of Netflix.

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