Effervescent Seoul Netflix: Review and Summary of the Netflix Movie (2022)

The new movie Effervescent Seoul has just joined the Netflix catalog, bringing an extreme adventure.

The movie Korean Netflix 2022 action Seoul Effervescent, came to Netflix. The release date was August 26 on the streaming platform. Seoul Vibe stars the great supporting cast including Yoo Ah-in, Ko Kyung-pyo, Lee Kyoo-hyung, Park Ju-hyun and Ong Seong-wu.

Seoul Effervescent Netflix Cast Review.
Photo: Netflix

Effervescent Seoul Netflix: What is the movie about?

The summary, synopsis of the movie on Netflix 2022 tells us; Set days before the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, pilots and mechanics work undercover to dismantle a massive money laundering ring.

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Photo: Netflix

Who are the actors in Effervescent Seoul? the cast

In addition to Yoo Ah-in, Ko Kyung-pyo and Lee Kyoo-hyung, the cast is completed by Moon So-ri, Kim Sung-kyun, Oh Jung-se and Jung Woong-in.

Previews, Clips, Trailers and Videos

Effervescent Seoul | Official trailer | Netflix

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Step on the accelerator until you reach the finish line. Go back to 1988 at full speed, tighten your seatbelt and prepare for a fast-paced mission with the Sanggye-dong team. Feel the adrenaline, Seoul at full speed premiered on December 26 August, only on the official site of Netflix.

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