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When will Sixty Minutes Netflix movie be released?
The premiere of the film in Netflix on January 19, 2024.
How long is a Sixty minute Netflix movie?
The movie from Germany's country of origin has a duration of 89 minutes.
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Where can I find the Sixty Minutes trailer?
Check out below.
What happens in Sixty Minutes Netflix Movie?
The plot of the Netflix movie Sixty Minutes develops a story of the mixed martial arts fighter Octavio.
The urgency arises when Octavio discovers that he has barely Sixty minutes to make it to her daughter's birthday party, risking losing custody if she doesn't make it.
Octavio abandons a fierce fight and launches into a race against time, navigating the city's chaos while evading dangerous criminals.

Who is in the cast of Sixty Minutes Netflix movie?
- Emilio Sakraya as Octavio Bergmann
- Dennis Mojen as Paul Lehmann
- Marie Mouroum as Cosima
- Florian Schmidtke as Winkler
Where was Sixty Minutes filmed?
The series was filmed primarily in Berlin, Germany.