The series The Manny is a comedy original mexican Netflix which premiered in December 2023.
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What is the plot of The Manny about?
Synopsis of the series
The Manny is a romantic comedy about an executive who hires a rancher as a babysitter for her children.
Set in Guadalajara, the Netflix series follows Jimena and Santiago as they learn to get along and raise children together.
As they spend more time together, they begin to develop feelings for each other.
When is the premiere of The Manny Netflix series?
Release date
The Manny It premiered on December 24, 2023 online on the streaming platform Netflix.
Where to watch the trailer for The Manny Netflix series?
The Babysitter official Netflix trailer
You can find the Netflix trailer below.
Who is in the cast of The Manny Netflix?
The Manny stars:
- Sandra Echeverría as Jimena
- Iván Amozurrutia as Santiago
The rest of the series' cast includes Diana Bovio, Regina Cedeño, Anthony Giulietti, Alexander Tavizón and Sara Isabel Quintero.
What are those of production?
Here are some details from the production of the series:
The series is written and produced by Carolina Rivera, who is also the creator of the series Mother there are only two and Luis Miguel: The series. The series is filmed in Guadalajara, Mexico.