Gyeongseong Creature Netflix Series (2023) Cast

Everything you need to know about the Netflix TV show

The Serie Gyeongseong Creature is a series Korean horror thriller set in the spring of 1945, in Japanese-occupied Seoul.

When does Gyeongseong Creature Netflix Series premiere?

Initial release date

Gyeongseong Creature season 1 was released to watch online on streaming Netflix on December 22, 2023.

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What is the plot of Gyeongseong Creature?

Series Synopsis

The story follows two young adults who encounter a strange creature born of human greed. They must fight for survival while also facing the horrors of war.

The Monster of Old Seoul Netflix Series 2023 Cast

Who stars in the cast of Gyeongseong Creature Netflix Series?

The cast is led by the following actors and characters:

Where can you watch the trailer video for The Monster of Old Seoul Netflix series?

You can watch the official Netflix trailer below here

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